Check the leads, couplers, and connectors for stains, rust, moisture, etc.
1. Disconnect:
2. Check:
Moisture → Dry with an air blower.
Rust/stains → Connect and disconnect several times.
3. Check:
Loose connection → Connect properly.
If the pin "1" on the terminal is flattened, bend it up.
4. Connect:
Make sure all connections are tight.
5. Check:
If there is no continuity, clean the terminals.
When checking the wire harness, perform steps (1) to (3).
As a quick remedy, use a contact revitalizer available at most part stores.
Starting failures
1. Cylinder and cylinder head
- Loose spark plug
- Loose cylinder head or cylinder
- Damaged cylinder head gasket
- Damaged cylinder gasket
- Worn or damaged cylinder
- Incorrect valve clearance
- Improperly sealed valve
- Incorrect valve-to-valve-seat contact
- Incorrect valve timi ...
Checking the tires
The following procedure applies to both of the
1. Check:
Tire pressure
Out of specification Regulate.
The tire pressure should only be checked
and regulated when the tire temperature
equals the ambient air temperature.
The tire pressure must be adjuste ...
Intake air temperature sensor
1. Check:
Intake air temperature sensor resistance
Out of specification Replace
the throttle
a. Connect the pocket tester ( ×
1k) to the
throttle body sensor assembly coupler as
Positive tester probe
brown/white "1"
Negative tester probe
gray/black ...