General maintenance and lubrication chart
The air filter needs more frequent service if you are riding in
unusually wet or dusty areas.
Hydraulic brake service
Regularly check and, if necessary, correct the brake fluid level.
Every two years change the brake fluid.
Replace the brake hoses every four ye ...
Intake air temperature sensor
1. Check:
Intake air temperature sensor resistance
Out of specification Replace
the throttle
a. Connect the pocket tester ( ×
1k) to the
throttle body sensor assembly coupler as
Positive tester probe
brown/white "1"
Negative tester probe
gray/black ...
Checking the crankshaft position sensor
1. Disconnect:
Crankshaft position sensor coupler
(from the wire harness)
2. Check:
Crankshaft position sensor resistance
Out of specification Replace
the crankshaft
position sensor/stator assembly.
a. Connect the pocket tester ( × 100) to the
crankshaft position sensor c ...