1. Remove:
Checking the front fork legs
The following procedure applies to both of the
front fork legs.
1. Check:
Inner tube
Outer tube
WARNINGDo not attempt to straighten a bent inner
tube as this may dangerously weaken it.
2. Measure:
Spring free length "a"
Out of sp ...
Periodic maintenance and adjustment
Periodic inspection, adjustment, and lubrication
will keep your vehicle in the
safest and most efficient condition possible.
Safety is an obligation of the vehicle
owner/operator. The most important
points of vehicle inspection, adjustment,
and lubrication are explained on
the followin ...
Installing the shift forks and shift drum assembly
1. Install:
Shift fork-L "1"
Shift fork-C "2"
Shift fork-R "3"
Shift drum assembly "4"
Shift fork guide bar "5"
The embossed marks on the shift forks should
face towards the right side of the engine and be
in the following sequence: "R", "C", "L".
2. Check:
Tr ...