1. Check:
Rectifier/regulator output voltage
Out of specification → Replace the
a. Set the engine tachometer to the spark plug lead.
b. Connect the pocket tester (DC 20 V) to the
rectifier/regulator coupler as shown.
c. Start the engine and let it run at approximately 5000 r/min.
d. Measure the charging voltage.
Separating the crankcase
1. Remove:
Crankcase bolts
Loosen each bolt 1/4 of a turn at a time, in stages
and in the proper sequence as shown.
A. Right crankcase
B. Left crankcase
2. Turn:
Shift drum segment
Turn the shift drum segment "1" to the position
shown in the illustration. In this ...
The ignition system fails to operate (no spark or intermittent spark).
Before troubleshooting, remove the following part(s):
1. Seats
2. Fuel tank
3. Right side cover
4. Left side panel
5. Left upper side cowling
Checking the clutch housing
1. Check:
Clutch housing dogs "1"
Deburr the clutch
housing dogs or replace the clutch housing.
Pitting on the clutch housing dogs will cause erratic
clutch operation.
2. Check:
Damage/wear Replace the
bearing and
clutch housin ...